This is my blog or my chronicles rather of my experience as a home brewer from day 1. It is really not my intention to be any sort of self-proclaimed expert on the subject of home brewing. At the time of writing this introduction I have only been home brewing less than a year.
My wife, who is a huge blogger, suggested that I create a blog as an account of my journey in brewing. My goal is to present posts that narrate my experience through each one of my brews and show my progression on this fantastic journey that is home brewing. On a personal level it will allow me to go through the process of how I constructed my grain bill; how I executed the brewing process; what tricks and equipment I used; and probably most inevitably, what I did wrong and how can I improve myself the next time I make a batch of beer.
As an added bonus, should anyone actually choose to read my blog and feel it worthy of subscribing, they may be able to take something away from it. Whether it be a technique I found to work well or a disaster that I wish no one spending the time, money, and effort to brew ever have to experience themselves.
I have not had any of those experiences……yet. However, I think part of the fun of home brewing is experimenting and not just merely buying kits from the brew store and replicating what’s already been done. It’s a science meant for experimentation and breaking the boundaries of beer making.
So far what I have brewed would not be considered groundbreaking, but I do feel like I need to challenge myself as a young brewer. Chances are what I attempt has been done many times before and there is nothing magical about it. Then again, I might stumble upon something that might just create the best beer that I have ever tasted. Who knows?
As a final note, I hope that more experienced brewers may stumble upon this blog and provide any tips that might help me or anyone else reading my journal. And if should any trolls decide to come on here and be complete pricks for no other reason than to be a prick, then forever may all of your brews be infected and most foul!